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Critical Podium Dewanand


Mullahs collect money in Pakistan to kill Hindus

Sacrificer           unknown
Sacrifice code       wfor0134
Sacrifice date       25 march 2009

Subject: Mullahs collect money in Pakistan to kill Hindus

part english text derived from:

  • http://www.the-week.com
  • Every time a crude bomb goes off outside an unswept government office in
    India, cardboard donation boxes appear on the streets of Lahore and
    Karachi. Terrorist groups, claiming to have triggered it off, ask passersby to donate for the cause.

    Jihad has become the biggest money-spinning industry in strife-torn Pakistan. A few thousand youth are on the rolls of various militant groups; manythousands more, like the boxwallahs, have formed ancillary industries.

    Battle-ready: President Pervez Musharraf (extreme left, in commando jacket) inspects the Al-Khalid tank which Pakistan claims is indigenously built

    The boxwallahs' biggest box-office hit was the Red Fort attack last Christmas. Lashkar-e-Toiba activists showed the video footage in a Lahore stadium. At the end, collection boxes overflowed with devalued Pakistani rupees. Posters around the boxes say, 'Your ten rupees can buy us a bullet to kill an Indian soldier; your five hundred rupees can get us a pistol.'

    President Pervez Musharraf, given his India hatred, should not have any problem with it, but he thinks this industry is more polluting than the leather tanneries which cure the sheepskins collected by Lashkar activists on holy days and auction them for Rs 20 crore. "Part of the money goes to fund the militant groups, but the larger part goes into the pockets of the jobless youth who have set up the collection boxes," says a senior government officer.

    Pakistan's leaders-now, mostly in uniform-are also worried about mind pollution. There was no problem as long as the youth shot Russians in Afghanistan and Indians in Srinagar. But those who went as boys to Afghanistan and Kashmir are now middle-aged men, with battle-scarred bodies, brutalised minds, no jobs and plenty of unspent bullets. They shoot Shias and other fellow-Pakistanis.
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